How to Delete WhatsApp Group from Your Smart Phone?

 Welcome to another most important whatsapp blog FAQ post series.

In this post, we will know How to delete WhatsApp Group from your smartphone.

Therefore if you are searching for the answer to how to delete a WhatsApp group then you are at the right place to get the answer.

Sometimes when we make a whatsapp group but don't have the relevant anymore to us we think it's good to delete that WhatsApp group simply because we don't have the interest to chat with anyone in that group as it was before.

We also may have to delete when someone else creates a whatsApp group and add you without your request or permission.

Whether you are a participant or a whatsapp group admin you can delete any whatsapp group in anytime by just following the simple steps which will be mentioned in this post one by one. 

How to Delete WhatsApp Group permanently as a participant?

 If you want to delete a whatsapp group where you're just a participant, you can delete that whatsapp group from your smartphone.

It's always better to delete a whatsapp group that you don't feel required to stay in that group or simply don't want to be a part of that WhatsApp group because you don't have that much time to chat with anyone in that whatsapp group..

Below are a few simple steps that anyone can use to delete a whatsapp group.

  1. Open WhatsApp from your smartphone.
  2. Now go to the Group Chat tab.
  3. Click on the three dots icon in the right corner from above.
  4. Now Click on the More option.
  5. Now you'll see an option that will appear on your phone Exit Group.
  6. In the final step just give a click on the option of Exit group and you will be removed from that whatsapp group instantly.

How to delete a whatsapp group

How to Delete WhatsApp Group permanently as an admin?

To delete a whatsapp group successfully you have to be the admin first of that whatsapp group.

Follow the below-mentioned points to delete a whatsapp group as a WhatsApp group admin successfully.
  1. Firstly open Whatsapp from your android or iPhone.
  2. Go to the option called Group chat.
  3. After that just give a click on the Group option and you'll find a Group Description which will appear on your phone.
  4. Now you'll find an option called Delete in the below of that whatsapp group.
  5. Finally, click on the Delete group and your group will be deleted.

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I hope you've now understood how to delete a whatsapp group both as a participant and admin from your smartphone.

Stay with this blog and you'll find helpful content that you may want to know.
